
.day at sea .12.10.16.

We finally got to sleep in this morning!! We slept till the last possible second before going upstairs for some breakfast, we had to get there before they closed the kitchen to start setting up for lunch! After breakfast we shopped for some more T-shirts for T and Dad since there wasn’t many in their sizes the day before. The family was still pretty sunburnt from the day before so they stayed out of the sun for most of the morning. I wanted to soak up as much sun as possible before having to head home to the snow, so I did the complete opposite. M came and joined me in the hot tub for most of the morning, she sat in the shade because she was slightly sunburnt while I sat in the hot sun. wWe sipped lemonade while watching ChiveTV and the trivia on the big-screen. 

Dad was our drink waiter, what a good sport. 

Sunburnt T not wanting any pictures of herself.

Since it was our day at sea the cruise director had a bunch of activities going on around the pool, one of which was a "belly flop contest". M and I had got front row seats to the flopping, it was hilarious watching the old men dance and "muscle pose" before they jumped in the water. Without pre-planning the whole family ended up in the kitchen at the same time for lunch! Since it was our last day to enjoy the strawberry ice cream we decided to eat as much of it as we physically could bear. Mom and T weren't feeling well so they went down to their rooms, Dad joined them to spend time with Mom. M and J went to the cinema to watch ghostbusters while I went back to the hot tub and watched the end of the pool volleyball tournament. 

When it was over I moved to the sun-chairs by the pool trying to catch a quick nap but they started the "sexiest man competition" so obviously I had to watch that. Especially since one of the male nurses form Canada was participating, with my favorite "sexy lady" as one of the judges; ironically she was from BC!! Small world! The other contestants were on our excursion in St.lucia. They danced for the judges and then were told they had to dance again.. this time it needed to be sexy dancing, which was hilarious because they'd thought they were pretty sexy the first time around. In the end they chose the Canadian guy because he was definitely the sexiest compared to the two older gentlemen from our excursion. After the competition I laid by the pool soaking up the sun until T and M came back to the pool. We sat in the hot tub watching chive TV and chatting about what we had all been up to. When the sun started to set we went up to the top deck to take some pictures. We tried to get some Polaroids, but the film didn't work... huge bummer.

Since we had an early morning departure we had to go down to the room and pack up our things. 

Right as I hopped in the shower the family went down for supper. I quickly tossed on a dress and came down to supper with soaking wet hair. The waiters sang us a song again since it was our "last supper". Unfortunately we had to leave supper early, skipping dessert, to get seats for the show! The night before the cruise director had mentioned that they were showing a video of some "hidden camera footage" that they had collected over the course of the cruise, it turned out to be videos of all the different events that took place; how disappointing. We were in none of those videos, so we skipped out on dessert for nothing! The comedian they had that night was hilarious though so it made up for it. Dennis, our cruise director, did a monologue of his own and sang us a song after the comedian. At the end of the show they brought out all of the managers from the different departments on the ship they lined the hallways, saying goodbye to us as we left the theater. We decided to go outside and enjoy the warm ocean breeze, while eating copious amounts of strawberry ice-cream! Once we all congregated on the outside deck we realized that J wasn't there. Dad and M looked around for him but couldn't find him anywhere. It turned out that he had a bit of an "accident" so he went back to the room to change. Mom, Dad, J and I went to the dance floor to sing some Christmas carols, it was the perfect way to get into the Christmas spirit while we were in paradise. 

When we went back to the room it was a little chaotic and someone was cranky, again I wondered why people get cranky when they're in such a beautiful place!! I turned off the TV in an effort lessen the tension when suddenly someone erupted. I walked out and went straight upstairs to the hot tub, I was tired of always the villain in their stories so I chose to just leave. Besides no one needs that kind of negativity while their on vacation.

 I grabbed a towel, hiked up my dress and sat on the edge of the hot tub. There was aquatic life videos playing on the big screen, a nice warm ocean breeze, and the moon was so bright it lit up the entire sky; everything was peaceful. I kicked my legs in the water enjoying the last night I'd have in the hot tub when I caught sight of the Norwegians out of the corner of my eye. They walked up the stairs and did 2 laps around the upper deck before disappearing back into the ship. I hadn't seen them for a while so I figured they just went down to bed. Chive TV came on the flat screen so I was engulfed in  the little clips when I saw the Norwegians step out of the elevator with their swimsuits on! Ugh. They came over and sat in my peaceful hot tub (when the other hot tub was vacant). I smiled at them when they sat down but quickly turned my head to continue watching the clips. A few minutes later the same gentlemen who T had motioned to in the gift shop asked me if I was staying for the second week of the cruise (I really wish I was). They introduced themselves, apparently they are from Belgium not Norway. Their names were Terrance, Peter and Roderick. I sat and chatted with them for almost an hour discussing travel dreams and our respective careers back home. Eventually M came to see where I had disappeared to and joined us in the hot tub. All of a sudden it started pouring rain, M & I quickly jumped out of the hot tub, swapping Instagram usernames with our new friends before heading down to bed. M's back was sore from her bed so she slept down below between T and I. 

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