
.beatrice goes to Montana .09.23.16.

Our last morning in Montana has come. After a nice warm shower we began to make our way home. 

Before we crossed the border we decided to stop and go for a little stroll to a waterfall. Just as we pulled up it started to rain!! We were used to the rain at this point so we put on our jackets and walked over to the waterfall.

There was more green and purple rocks so I hopped over the bridge to get some for my dads "Rock Garden"

After we were thoroughly soaked to the core,  we went back to the van to carry on our road trip; and change into dry clothes. The drive was absolutely gorgeous!! The fall colors with the backdrop of the mountains, it was truly stunning. K adores the mountains and I adore fall, it was the perfect way for us to end off our trip!

The whole drive I had been scoping out the perfect backdrop for a "debut" Picture for Bea!! Just as we were approaching the border I saw the perfect spot! We pulled over and K took a ton of pictures for me! 

And that concludes Beatrice's first trip! I must say that I really enjoy the new van. All the interior storage makes a huge difference, and the exterior storage drawer is fantastic for campfire/outdoor accessories.

The white interior of the van makes it feel much more spacious inside! I would like to begin remodeling a few things on the interior and will be posting all about it once I get around to doing it!! Sadly the camping season in Canada has come to a close and Beatrice has been winterized and parked for the bitter cold winter months. Only 8 short months from now the snow will hopefully be gone and I will be free to roam!

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