
.arrival in Puerto Rico .12.04.16

When we arrived in Puerto Rico there was a woman waiting for us with mom's name on a placard. She grabbed some of our suitcases and quickly lead us to the baggage claim. Mom was so excited, it has always been an item on her bucket list to have a chauffeur waiting in an airport with her name on a placard. She says it has always reminded her of the rich people in the movies. After collecting our bags we hopped in the taxi to head to our ship. Since we got to the harbor later in the day there was no line for the security check in!

 Our rooms were pretty small, but still comfortable. Mom, Dad and J stayed in one room and M, T and I stayed in the other. The rooms had 2 beds each, the main bed was two twin sized mattresses pushed together, and the other bed dropped down from the ceiling above the main bed. We quickly unpacked and went for dinner. The food was absolutely delicious!! Unfortunately since it was our first night on the ship we had to do a mandatory Emergency Drill. We left dinner before having our dessert to go to our muster points. Interestingly enough our muster points were on opposite sides of the ship. I was with Dad and T on the outside deck below the life boats, while Mom, M and J were on the other side of the ship inside a lounge. I was told that mom fell asleep fairly quickly when they sat down at their table to listen to the emergency instructions. Our drill Sargent wasn't so relaxed, she barked orders at us, lining everyone up in perfect straight lines of 7. Behind me Dad made friends with the other men in line, mocking the small woman ordering everyone around. Dad thought it was particularly funny because it reminded him of me at work. Thanks Dad! 

When the drill was over we all returned to the restaurant for dessert. Afterwards we all ran upstairs to watch the ship cast off.  Once the ship was away from the dock we all split ways. Mom and Dad and T explored the ship; while M, J and I changed into our bathing suits to go swimming! Only 1 pool is open at night, and tonight it was the the indoor pool. After swimming for a while, J was getting pretty tired, so he retired back to the room. Mom, Dad and him fell asleep watching Christmas movies not long after he returned to the room. M and I got in the hot tub to warm up when J left. Soon we started to over-heat so we dried off and walked around the ship checking out all of the activities. 

We wanted to play ping pong but other people were using the tables. So instead we went upstairs and played a round of mini golf before going downstairs to get ready for bed. Freshly showered I crawled into bed, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep. 

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