
.cruise reveal .11.25.16.

About a year ago my mom called me and asked me to book vacation for the following December. At the time I was working a schedule of 10 days in camp and 4 days at home, and any vacation time had to be booked well in advance. I quickly scheduled the time off and asked mom why I needed it for so far in advance; she told me it was for a family trip she was planning and hung up the phone. A few months later I discovered we were going on a Southern Caribbean cruise!!! For an entire year I had to keep the cruise a secret from my siblings!!! I tried my best to sneakily coax my sisters into buying bathing suits a few weeks before we told them about the cruise.
I even went as buying some Passport covers while I was shopping with M, Telling her they were simply gifts for my roommates. 

About a week before we left, Mom discovered that T's Passport was expired!! Luckily we were able to convince T to come to the city for a "family visit" so we could sneakily get her passport renewed. I thought for the "reveal" we should watch "Christmas with the Kranks" and then telling them that we're also "Skipping Christmas" and going on the same cruise the Kranks were going on. Unfortunately we ran out of time and resorted to Plan B. 

I love Christmas sweaters, and I also love picturesque pictures for my blog. We told the family that we were going to take a "Family ugly Christmas sweater picture". That way I could film their reactions without it being noticeable! We had a fun evening giggling at Mom and Dads ridiculous sweater. 

Mom had found some cute sunglasses in the mall and convinced the girls that it would be fun to wear in the Christmas picture.

Enjoy these family picture outtakes!!

Featuring dad wearing my sunglasses hahah

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