

Introducing Beatrice or Bea for short! 

The day I picked up Bea was a very memorable day, for good and bad reasons. The morning started with a deep clean of Martha, I ripped out the terrible stick on carpet the previous owner had put on. Which left this wonderful stuck on mess!! Luckily I was able to scrape off the adhesive for the carpet with a small chunk of 2X4 wrapped in a cloth. The linoleum floor underneath was actually much nicer then the junky carpet which made sweeping/mopping much easier! Dad helped me tidy out all the junk we had accumulated after our trip to BC and I began to deep clean. 

4 hours later, she was done! Martha sparkled inside and out and was packed up and ready to go! I picked up M from school and we headed straight to get Bea

We had a fleet!! Since Martha was much tippier to drive, I let M drive Bea back to my house. It was pouring rain and rush hour, so I watched her closely in the rear view mirror. On the first right hand turn the exterior storage drawer slid open!! People were honking and waving their arms frantically to tell us that the drawer had slid open. We pulled over and pushed it back in, the keys to latch it in place were unfortunately buried somewhere in the van so we chose to carry on. 3 more stops on the side of the road to push the drawer back in and we were finally to the house!

We dropped off Bea and took off to run some errands and go to the movies! Since I was trying to sell Martha that weekend we didn't have any other vehicle to drive that weekend, just camper vans. Unfortunately WEM doesn't have "uncovered" parking close to the theater doors, so M and I parked about a thousand miles away and walked through the rain to get to movies. 

When we got home from the movies, something terrifying happened. We walked in the door and everything seemed normal, the dogs were overly excited to see us and we're jumping around. M and I began to get ready for bed when all of a sudden Mia started running upstairs and barking at me then running back down the stairs. Usually when she's excited that we're home she will run around like that so I didn't think anything of it, the only difference is she usually won't bark, and Tia is usually right along side her running back and forth. It took about 3 cycles of Mia barking at me for me to go downstairs to see what was going on! 
Tia was on the ground wheezing and wouldn't stand up. She was staying low to the ground and anytime you tried to get her to stand up she would panic and start screaming. I panicked. My precious angel was in pain and I didn't know what was wrong. I screamed up the stairs for M, I needed help I had no clue what to do!

While M consoled Tia I quickly googled any Vet clinic I could find. All of them were closed. Finally I found a 24 hour emergency vet hospital, I called them immediately and they told me to bring her in as soon as possible! M and I bolted out the door and got to the hospital as fast as we could. I was bawling my eyes out the whole time, I was so scared that I was going to lose my baby girl. 

A few weeks prior she'd had to see the vet to have her anal sac drained, it had become plugged and was backed up so much that it could have burst. The vet had told me that if that happened she could have required surgery. All these things were racing through my mind as I weaved through traffic, tears streaming down my face. M tried her best to console me but my mind was too scattered to hear her soothing words. We burst through the doors of the vet clinic and I tried to explain to the lady what was happening. I'm sure I was a complete blubbering mess and she couldn't understand what I was saying, but luckily they immediately took us to an exam room and a vet assistant came to check Tia. She said she would get the vet right away and that M and I could go wait in the waiting room. 
We made it, we got to the vet in time and now Tia was in the care of professionals. My pounding heart began to calm down and the tears slowly stopped. M passed out on the couch beside me while Mia was cuddled up on my lap ready to pounce and lick my face if I started crying again. The tears came in waves and every time Mia was right there wagging her little tail and attacking my face with kisses! She's a very caring dog and whenever she senses someone is upset she attacks them with as much love as she can give. I hugged her tight and prayed that Tia would be okay. 

3 hours later they finally called us in to see the vet. By the time he had got to see Tia she had calmed down and was no longer displaying the behavior I had called in about. He told me it was simply a meet panic attack. I was furious, for 3 hours they kept me waiting with no updates whatsoever. For 3 hours I sat on that couch panicking that my little girl was surely dying in the room across from me. The vet told me I should have brought her in sooner so they could have diagnosed what was happening yet she sat in the exam area with a vet tech for 3 hours before the vet bothered to come and diagnose what was wrong. I held my sweet angel tight and drove home, she didn't leave my side for the entire weekend.

What was a very happy day had quickly turned into a scary night where I thought I was about to lose a very important part of my life

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