
.martha trip part 6 .08.22.16.

This morning we woke up to quite the mess. The storm from the previous night had ripped a ton of branches off the trees!! I'm so glad we were safe and warm inside the van. 😅 

The weather was quite glum and chilly. The clouds scattered the sky and the wild had a nice cool bite to it! So we layered up and headed to Pegasus Stables

One of my goals for the summer was to go on a horse back ride, either through the mountains or through the Forrest! Needless to say I was super excited when a co-worker mentioned these stables to me! The price was fair and the ride was so much fun! We had a great guide, she was super friendly and even let us "Trot" down some paths a few times!! It was so fun, and the views of Kelowna we're really pretty! We stopped to take a few pictures before heading back to the stables. 

The weather was still pretty crappy and cold so the beach was out of the question for the day. We had planned on visiting a friend of mine who recently moved to Vernon, and what better day to do this then a rainy crappy day. 

Visiting with friends is one of my favorite pastimes. Don't get me wrong, I really like doing adventurous stuff and exploring new places; but sometimes it's just nice to sit down with friends and visit! Plus it doesn't hurt when your friends happen to have adorable children!

By supper time the weather had cleared up significantly! So we headed to our new campground to enjoy the sunset relaxing by swan lake.

The last trip we went on we didn't have any fires! Not one!! So tonight we decided it was the best way to spend the evening. We scampered around town rounding up supplies for smores and then spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to get the fire lit! 

The gentleman camping next to us came out to visit. He had seen Tia and Mia playing around in the grass and came out to ask me the same round of typical questions strangers ask about the girls. Turned out he was from the same city I live in. He chatted with me for a bit till he noticed the difficult time I was having with getting the fire lit! He suggested using rubbing alcohol to light the fire. I hadn't even considered using rubbing alcohol, but from my movie watching experiences I determined that this could turn south very quickly. I swiped up Tia and Mia and put them in the van for safe keeping, when I turned back the fire was lit!! We thanked the kind (slightly creepy) gentleman and sat down to enjoy our roaring fire. 

It was at this point that I realized that our "kind" neighbor could very well be a murderer for all I knew. After all, it was strange that he mentioned he was from the same city before I had told him where I was from.. even more strange that he had BC plates.. 

Then my mind began to wander. He had immediately warmed up to the dogs. A cleaver tactic if you didn't want them to bark at you while you hid in the camper van waiting to strike. 

Being the calm collected older sister I am, I slowly slumped away to the van to retrieve the dogs. It was getting dark so I was moving a little faster then intended. I locked the doors and took my guard dogs back to the fire. Just then our friendly neighbor/murderer emerged from his RV. My heart began to pound in my chest, this was the end. He shot us a wave and jumped on his scooter riding away into the night. 

After barely escaping with our lives we tidied up the campfire snacks and crawled up into bed. With guard dogs ready to defend; M and I drifted off to sleep. 

Moral of the story: I watch too many horror movies.

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