
.excation part 7 .07.27.16.

All good things must come to an end, and unfortunately our excation was coming to a close. After a long week of exploring (and spending too much money) we chose to have one last beach day before we started the long journey home! 
One thing I didn't know about Vernon BC before this trip, is that lots of beaches are not dog friendly! Which proves very difficult when you have two chihuahua's with you and no where to leave them. Luckily we found a beach that allowed dogs. Cosens Bay in Kalmalka Lake Provincial park allowed dogs, how perfect; it's my favorite lake in the Okanagan! 
Turns out the website forgot to mention that this beach wasn't accessible by car. In fact, you have to park about 3 KM's away and walk down to the beach. We learned this after foolishly following Google Maps. We were wayyy up the hill, and all of a sudden Google chimed in informing us we had arrived... 
This is what we saw... Technically we had arrived, we were just above the bay, with a very steep hill down and no parking in sight! So we carried on along the winding road that lead down to some cottages along the lake. Luckily we saw a lady walking and asked her how to get down to the beach. She told us about the long walk from the parking lot and warned us about rattlesnakes.. Which I also didn't know Vernon had! 
Once we found the parking lot we were supposed to be at we began our walk down to the beach! The path let through a big field passing the road we drove in on many times! That would have been nice to know ahead of time 😞  
Kal lake is absolutely stunning and the beach was definitely worth the walk! It was nice and secluded and the water was super refreshing! It was the perfect way to spend the day soaking up the sun one last time before I had to go back to the great north! 
Since we figured out the path crossed the road a few times we decided it would be much smarter if only one of us walked the full way to the car. Since M can't drive my standard car I carried half of our gear while she would bring the dogs and the other half of the gear to the point where the path crosses the road. It was a good idea except it was +37 outside!! I was dying! So I stashed the bags along the road and picked them up on my drive back to pick up M! 
After a stop to get some Ice cold water we headed off to Revelstoke! Mom had been lecturing us about not taking any pictures of what we were doing, so when we went to the "Giant Cedars Boardwalk" we spammed her phone with tons of pictures of us on the board walk! 
After that small detour we headed to Canyon Hot Springs for the night! After sleeping in a tent for a week and a bit we were both pretty sore! Plus it's chilly in the mountains at night so it was the perfect way to warm up before heading to bed! 
We woke up early the next morning to some mangy squirrels throwing pine-cones at our tent. Tia and Mia were not impressed, so M and I packed up and headed off on our 7 hour drive back to my house. It was a long day in the car but it went by pretty quickly. 
And just like that my Ex-cation was over. I'd like to say that it helped me move on completely and I was totally okay. But breakups take time, and unfortunately running away and spoiling yourself doesn't actually help you accomplish much moving on. At best it was a really well disguised band-aid that made me look like I was okay. One day though, one day it'll be different; just have to keep moving.

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