
.excation part 6 .07.26.16.

Remember how I said I didn't listen to my mom? And I didn't wear sunscreen? Well I also didn't wear my sunglasses, M had dropped her sunglasses in the lake and it took us a while to find them. So I decided against wearing them. Turns out if you get a bad sunburn on your face your eyes can swell up. The story goes like this: 

M had to go to the bathroom and shook me awake to drive her down to the campsite bathrooms. This particular campsite was on a really steep hill, and we were wayyyy at the top, and the bathrooms at the bottom. I groggily slumped out of the tent and walked to the car. My vision was still pretty blurry as I was walking past the car, but I saw a distinct line underneath both of my eyes. I immediately looked in my side mirror and almost yelled out in horror at how swollen my eyes were! The line I had seen in the reflection was a sunburnt crease from the swelling bellow my eyes! 

Full Disclosure: I absolutely hate these pictures, but they add to the dramatic affect of the story. 

The swelling went down quite quickly, thank goodness! I learned my lesson and will now always wear my sunscreen, at least on my face! I had a very nice red eyeliner for the rest of the day, as a result of the sunburn! 

On the roster for today's adventure was another zipline! This time we went to peachland to go to Zip Zone! There was a little confusion as to the time we were supposed to be there! Mom had told us to be there by 10:30, but I had read the text as "zipping starts at 10:30" so we arrived promptly at 10am. An hour early for our appointment!! (We actually did the same thing at the previous zipline in chase and were able to go join the group before us) Luckily this zipline had a little games area with a ton of puzzles and mind games! 

Unfortunately we had left our phone's in the car so we didn't take any pictures of this zipline, although it was so much fun I'm sure we will end up going again! 

These ziplines (6) went over a gorgeous canyon. The view was absolutely breathtaking, I could have gone over and over again! If you're ever visiting the kelowna area I highly recommend visiting this zipline! It was loads of fun and you had the option to do less ziplines to fit your budget! 

Once we were done "zipping" we drove back to kelowna! We'd used the app "Get in the Loop" and had found a discount for Parasailing. After getting slightly lost we finally found the hotel which the parasailing tours were out of! (We thought they were on the beach, whoops!) We got to go second on the parasail so we sort of had an idea of what to expect from watching the people before us! 

They strapped us in, and the parachute carried us up and away!! Once we were in the air we chatted about the inevitable. Falling to our deaths. Well not exactly, I had turned to M and mentioned "don't worry, if we fall we'd probably only break a few bones... We definitely wouldn't die." She then pointed out that I have a tendency to always think of the worst case scenario... Which I do, a lot! 

The view was so pretty overlooking the Okanagan lake, and the ride was very peaceful! Just not long enough unfortunately, it only lasted about 15 minutes! Before we knew it they were pulling us back into the boat, dipping our feet (and butts) into the water as we came in for landing! All in all it was a really fun experience, but it was definitely over priced, even with the coupon! 

After a long morning of running around we decided to spend the afternoon at our new found favorite beach! We floated in the water and took some pictures on the beach! We had the whole beach to ourselves so it was pretty nice just getting to relax and be together soaking up the sun!

Enjoy these Outtakes 

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