
.excation part 1 .07.20.16.

I recently went through a pretty tough break-up (at least for me it was) for purposes of this post I will refer to him as Pid...
It was a Tuesday night and I was crying on my parents living room couch, I was heart broken and completely crushed. I had just spent the past few months wasting my time with Pid; who never cared about me from the beginning. I feel like we all want that one person to care about you the way you think they should, but the hard truth is that sometimes you just have to let Peter Pan fly away and try not to look back.

As I sat on the couch dreading the week of tears ahead I decided I don't need to feel that way about someone who doesn't deserve my tears at all. Around 7pm on Tuesday night I decided I wanted to go to Vernon BC! I had been there the past summer and fell in love with the gorgeous Kalamalka lake! What better way to forget Pid then lounging on the beach soaking up the Okanagan sun?!

I hollered down the stairs, "pack your bags M lets go to Vernon!!"

My parents have a nifty little Pop-up tent, which they graciously let me and my sister borrow. We made the smart decision of setting up the tent and attempting to taking it down before heading off on our trip! (We also had a back up tent in case we didn't like the pop-up one)

2 face-time calls to dad and about 15 youtube videos of how to fold up this stupid tent later we were finally packed up and ready to go! Just like that my adventurous, spontaneous spirit was lifted. We pumped the music and chatted about what we wanted to do on our "Ex-cation"

The first stop worth mentioning was visiting K, she was camping that weekend in Kananaskis!

K was there for me through the entire Pid emotional roller-coaster, it only seemed right to get a big warm hug from my best friend to heal my hurting heart! We chatted and went for a short stroll down to the lake! The water was freezing, but that didn't stop us from having a mini photo shoot on the beach!

After another long hug goodbye we left K and continued on our journey!

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