
.martha trip part 3 .08.19.16.

We started out our day by heading straight back to the beach! Christina Lake is said to be one of the warmest lakes in BC! Growing up around a lake that is complete opposite of warm, I had to feel it to believe it!

Early in the morning probably wasn't the best time to test the waters, but the lake was still pretty warm considering it was 7:30 am! Some day I would like to go back and spend more time there, the beach was really nice. Plus swimming in a warm lake would be a nice change compared to what I'm used to!!

We were off again, on route to Penticton.

Martha didn't seem to like the hills in the beginning, the motor would rev right up and the gas needle would drop at a very similar rate!! One call to dad solved that problem and I (being the spoiled new car driver that I am) learned about a little button called "Overdrive". Martha took the hills with much more pride after I learned this new trick!! Along the drive to Penticton, we came around a corner and were completely amazed by the view of this gorgeous little lake town!

Turns out we were in Osoyoos BC! The thing about these spontaneous trips I've been going on is they're very short notice and unplanned. This adds to the adventure but also allows you to change your mind about your destination if you want to!! M and I decided this was a good enough spot for the night! So we googled a campground and followed the directions!

Ironically on the way to the to the campground we had picked we drove by one that had some waterslides!! How fun is that?! So we abandoned our plans and pulled in!

Check out this video of M and I being ridiculous and having a great time on the slides!

After a full day of watersliding we decided that an actual restaurant would be nice for supper! So we left the girls in a nice air-conditioned van and cabbed over to the towns steak-house. Once we arrived we made the executive decision that the Smitty's across the road would suffice and be much more cost effective! We enjoyed our supper out on the patio soaking up a little more sun!

Turns out, cabs are expensive. So we decided to walk back to the campsite instead! After all it was only 3.5km's away, and the weather was absolutely gorgeous!! Along the way home we met some pretty interesting homeless people 

(close your eyes Mom and Grandma, you don't need to read this part)

One gentlemen didn't say anything he just rode around in a circle on his Recumbent Bicycle. (Had to google what they're called) He just shot us a "hang loose" and carried on his merry way, bags of bottles hanging off of his bicycle with his clothing draped over them.
The real winner of the show was a woman we met as we were walking along the beach. She stopped M and I to ask us if we were twins and then began to rave about how "sexy" we looked! Awkward, and slightly scary! So we said thanks and picked up the pace on our walk! The sun was starting to set at this point and I was getting nervous!

When we were about 3/4's of the way back to the campground we noticed the "Rattlesnake Canyon" amusement park! Earlier in the day we had driven past it on the way to the campground but it looked sorta lame and mostly aimed at children. At night it was absolutely adorable! They had bulb lights strung along the pathways, and above all, a mini donut stand!! The lines were a little too long so M and I just roamed around the park taking in the sounds of the rides and the smiles on everyone's faces!

If you're ever in Osoyoos I highly recommend checking the park out, it would make a great date night!!

20 minutes later and we were finally back to the campsite! Our particular campsite had a really pretty view of the lake! So we sat in the front seats of the van staring out at the city lights reflecting off of the water! We soon passed out after such a long day.

I'm so glad we decided to detour our trip and spend the day in Osoyoos, it was such a cute little beach town!

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