
.excation part 5 .07.25.16.

When you're on the road with no fridge or way to store food you heavily rely on fast food. Tim Hortons, A&W and Subway were our staples!! (Thank goodness M and I enjoy the same foods!) We decided to switch it up and head into Kelowna for a treat, that treat being I-Hop!! I just can't resist their New York Cheesecake Pancakes 🙈 
After a stop at Dollarama for some beach supplies we headed off to drive the winding roads back to lake country. Because what's a trip to the Okanagan without a day at the beach? After some consulting with a colleague who lives in Lake County we found a little beach that wasn't super busy and allowed dogs!! Woo!!!

We bought some little boats for Tia and Mia to float in along with us! It seemed like a great idea and for $2 how could we go wrong?! Well the girls did not like their boats at all! They kept trying to jump back onto our floaties instead. Consequently they went swimming quite a few times that day! Eventually Tia got used to her own boat she relaxed in the sun, floating around like she was the captain of her own ship; she has quite the entitled personality. Mia on the other hand refused to sit down in her boat and spent the entire day trying to get out of it! We managed to get one picture of her sitting calmly before she started trying to get out again!

After a good 7 hours of beach time we started to feel our skin a little more! (M especially) Mom had warned us about wearing sunscreen, but being typical daughters we decided to make our own decisions. 

Turns out when it's 35c outside you burn fast. Especially when you're in the water and don't realize how hot it really is! 
As we were packing up we could feel our skin getting tight, and HOT! Back to Kelowna we went, Aloe Vera with lidocaine was needed. Unfortunately it was still really hot outside and we didn't have much to do that didn't involve being outside in the sun even more!! So we decided to pack the girls in our string backpacks and go to a nice air conditioned movie theater for the afternoon! That's when I first realized how burned I actually was!

After the movie we were completely exhausted! We went back to the campsite took a nice cold shower and passed out before 10pm! 

Lesson learned, wear sunscreen when it is that hot outside. Should have listened to my mom! 

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