
.excation part 3 .07.22.16.

The next morning we woke up and went to the Kalmalka Lake lookout, we chatted about how badly we both wanted to live there. The lake is abosolutely gorgeous and the summer heat 😍. We spent most of the day talking about the benefits of moving to beautiful Vernon, and planning how we could make that dream a reality!
Something you should know about me is that I LOVE heritage towns, so naturally I wanted to visit the Heritage ranch in Vernon! M and I got to go on a horseback tour of the O'Keefe Ranch! We had both been talking about how we wanted to get back in to horse back riding,and this was the perfect opportunity!
It was a cute morning! We strolled around the grounds admiring the buildings and the history. They had tons of livestock around the ranch, our personal favorite was a 3 month old baby goat! He was jumping and flipping all over the place, putting on a show no doubt! 
Later that afternoon we met up with some friends who just recently moved to Vernon! We went down to the beach and played in the waves (it wasn't the best weather for the beach, but the company was fantastic). It was nice seeing a friendly face in Vernon, and I've always admired this couple for their determination to do what they want to do; not just dream about what they want to do! We chatted about life, and how much they loved Vernon so far. I'll admit I'm a little jealous of them! I want to live there too; maybe one day! 
They gave me some much needed advise about how things always get better, this hard time I was going through was just a stepping stone. This couple is a real inspiration in my life, they are very strong in the church and have a very loving family. I hope one day my life is a lot like theirs. 
After visiting for a few hours we headed back to our campsite to take a dip in the pool! Relaxing nights at the campsite are my personal favorite part of Adventures! There is just something so "warm and fuzzy" feeling about being with your friends and family in the woods!
This night proved to be less relaxing though, we decided to watch a scary movie called "The Forrest". It's a horror movie predominately about being in a tent, in the forest. Which is what M and I were sleeping in! I maintained my tough exterior but I will admit I was a little scared at a few parts! (It also didn't help that I had a friend texting me and warning me about traveling alone, and the dangers of being raped and killed)
Relaxing hey??

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