
.excation part 4 .07.24.16.

The thing about a spontaneous road-trip to the Okanagan, campsites are usually full. We spent most of this trip setting up and taking down our campsite quite regularly! That pop-up tent came in handy for the amount of times we had to switch campsites along the way (4)

Today was a pretty fun adventure! Once we were all packed up and had some breakfast (timmies fueled our breakfast needs for the trip as we had ZERO camp cooking supplies, no room!)
M and I set off to Chase, BC to go ziplining at Tree Top FlyersGoogle maps, let me tell you, the amount of times it led us astray on our trips was astounding; but hey it just adds to the adventure! There's two ways to get to Chase from Vernon, one is alone nice highways winding around the mountains. The other is a farmers road through the mountains. The drive ended up having some beautiful views along the way! Lots of ohhh's and ahhhh's from the passenger seat as I tried to predict which way the narrow road was going to wind next!!

Once we got to three top flyers there was loads of adrenaline for us!! We started out doing the Zip-line's! This particular Zip-line takes you over a waterfall! The view was absolutely stunning!! There was 1 practice Zip-line at the office to get you in the groove of zipping, and then you loaded up into a van and drove up the mountain!! Now, M is terrified of winding/steep drop off roads, so naturally she picked the window seat that let her have the best view of the narrow steep road you drive up to the main ziplines!!

We went down 3 ziplines that all went over a waterfall. It was absolutely beautiful and loads of fun! On one of the ziplines they let us hang upside down which was super fun! The views were amazing and at the end we got to go for a little stroll up to view the water falls!!
After the ziplines we headed back to the "office" where they had a 50 foot free fall! You stood on the edge of a platform and fell straight backwards! You fell at a very controlled rate but it was still quite thrilling!!
Then came the "screaming eagle swing" and let me tell you, did we ever scream (mostly M though). The swing is 100ft tall and you free fall for about 40/50 feet till the swing catches you! We were 100ft in the air with our feet dangling, I got the thumbs up from the guide below so I pulled the cord! It was so exciting and terrifying at the same time, I LOVED it!! M was screaming in my ear and the warm summer wind blowing in my face!! It was an amazing moment I won't soon forget. The initial free fall was extremely thrilling and the swinging back and forth taking in the beautiful sights of the mountains was so peaceful! I highly recommend it if you're every traveling through small town Chase BC!

Once we were all done our adrenaline rush we set back on our winding mountain road singing at the top of our lungs with the windows down and the summer wind blowing our hair all around!
After the campsite was all set up we tossed on our bathing suits and went straight to the beach! We floated on the water until the sun started going down.  
It was a perfect day full of screams, laughter and adventure!

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