

I'm A, and I'm your average 22 year old girl; trying to figure out who I am and what I want out of life!
I got the idea for writing this blog a few weeks ago when I was laying in bed watching Netflix. It was a Saturday night and I was cruising Instagram when I saw a van, not just any van; a camper van! I became soooo jealous of this couple I knew; they had this cool van which they customized to be their own!

I screenshotted the van and sent all the pictures to my friends and family, day dreaming about how much fun it would be to have a camper van to gallivant around in!! Right away I made a note in my phone

I sent it to my best friend K and went to sleep! Okay maybe after obsessing and digging a little more into these cute Instagram camper vans!! She may have gotten about 15 messages from me all about camping/exploring!!
Next on the list was "Journal more" I decided the next day a blog was the best way to document all of my memories and adventures!! I also wanted a way to share my experiences and thoughts with my friends, and family!
This blog will be unstructured and totally random stories about my crazy life! I hope you all enjoy it!

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